This weekend we had the great pleasure of attending our neighbors
Field planting party. Our neighbors (literally just across the street!) Dana & Michael Eudy along with their children Cy & Frances moved from NYC to Germantown last year with the great dream and ambition of starting an herb farm and apothecary on wheels! Yes, soon those food trucks will have competition with an herbal apothecary serving potions, tonics, teas, treats and lots of love.
They held their first planting party, which entailed teaching us how to transplant precious little seedlings into their next home before being put in to the ground. Many of their seeds are of exotic origin along with heirloom variety medicinal plants. Their planting practice and knowledge is all sustainable and organic.
The party was incredible fun, followed by a delicious pot luck lunch in the barn. We brought Roasted Potatoes & Sweet Onions with Homemade Aoili on the side, which was super yummy amongst other delectable spring dishes and Fields amazing herbal tea's and basil lemonade.
Our wonderful community is filled to the brim with loving-supportive-creative people here in Germantown, NY. Stay tuned for exciting upcoming news: Farm Table and Field are planning some special collaborative projects, to be announced in the near future.....
Below are some pictures of fun in the field!
Field owner, founder, dreamer Dana Eudy & Rachel Hyman-Rouse
Other Field owner, founder, dreamer, artist
Michael Eudy instructing
Martina Arfwidson of Face Stockholm in seedling division,
it is really tricky!
Martina is the cutest planter ever!
Of course the kids worked on forts and slip and slides while the parents worked in the field.
Adorable Frances, the youngest Field family member